Class:  Certified Coaching - Business - Personal
Class:  Certified Coaching - Business - Personal
Class:  Certified Coaching - Business - Personal
Class:  Certified Coaching - Business - Personal
Class:  Certified Coaching - Business - Personal
Class:  Certified Coaching - Business - Personal
Class:  Certified Coaching - Business - Personal
Class:  Certified Coaching - Business - Personal

Class: Certified Coaching - Business - Personal

Regular price $4,995.00 Sale

Certified Coaching Classes:  Business - Personal - Become A Coach - Help Others                                                      Contact info:  Maria Fontaine     

CODEBREAKER Technologies - Using the B.A.N.K. System:                             

  • Certification Coaching  -  12 week session
  • Coaching Classes  - 12 week session
  • Learn the 6 Intelligences:
  • Personal Intelligence - Artificial Intelligence - Business Intelligence - Spiritual Intelligence - Emotional Intelligence Sales Intelligence
  • A method of helping others - Develop new skills - Achieve now goals
  • High performance & Attainable Goals
  • Letting go of the pass -  Start with the future in sight!
  • Offer 1on1 or Group Coaching Sessions
  • Earn 80% Return on each coaching session!

Added BONUS:   You will receive a FREE 12 week personal coaching session!

Make money by Coaching others.  Want a sneak peek?  Then crack your code to get your FREE Report, my gift to you:

You never know what God is doing and what divine  connections are awaiting you!!